PENN STATE: GEOG863 Portfolio for Bernadette Williams

Summer 2024


Game Rangers International (GRI) Elephant Tracking Web App


Lessons Description Links
Lesson 1 University Explorer App for Virginia (created in ESRI Experience Builder)
Lesson 1
Lesson 2 Create a Collection Bin Field Map
Lesson 2 - TBD
Lesson 3 Recreate Text Document -
Lesson 3
Lesson 4 Part I: Create an online map centered on my hometown

Part II: Display a popup window when user clicks hometowm marker

Part III: Replicate the code from Part II in CodePen

Lesson 4 Reflection: I started the week a bit behind the curve because I ran into issues setting up my website in lesson 3. So this week I learned a lot about GitHub and the DigitalOcean App Platform and how to develop a workflow for pushing code changes to my website. Within lesson 4, I initially struggled deciding on the best way to set up my file structure within GitHub. I created a folder for lesson 4 with subfolders for Part I and Part II containing html, css, and js files. I renamed my html files as ‘lesson4_part_i.html’ and ‘lesson4_part_ii.html’ instead of index.html. I also renamed my css and js files but it caused an error running the code which was resolved when I went back to the original names of main.css and main.js. I was a bit confused why renaming these files didn’t work, I thought it was a standard practice to do this but I must have been missing something in the code. I was also initially very confused with Part II and creating the popup window. I tried creating a new PopupTemplate object but wasn’t able to get that to work so I rewatched the end of this week’s lecture and realized I was vastly overthinking the assignment - adding a popupTemplate property to the Graphic object was all that needed to be done. I am working on reformatting my e-portfolio page, I'm not thrilled with how it looks especially the layout of the table columns.
Lesson 4 Part I

Lesson 4 Part II

Lesson 4 Part III
Lesson 6 A historical view of earthquakes 1970-2009
Display an ArcGIS Server data service using ClassBreaksRenderer

Lesson 6 Reflection: For this week’s assignment I chose a vector data service from ArcGIS Server 6 showing the point locations of historical earthquakes from 1970 to 2009. I found it easy to create the initial map as a SceneView with 3D point symbols and I really like the look of the map. I adjusted the position, heading, and tilt to focus on the continental United States although the earthquake data can be explored around the globe and U.S. earthquakes are relatively mild in comparison to many other regions of the world. I used the ClassBreaksRenderer to replicate how the data set was sorted into four bins. The popupTemplate was easy to set up with a title displayed but I ran into some difficulty the content data. I choose to display the date the earthquake occurred, whether the earthquake triggered a tsunami, number of deaths, number injured, and number of houses destroyed. I initially wanted to display the time the earthquake occurred but when I displayed the {DATE_} field, every location showed as occurring at 2AM. I went back to the ESRI server to view the data in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer to investigate and the DATE_ field for the dataset does incorrectly show 02:00 for every data point. There are other date/time fields that showed the accurate times but it would involve more complex string manipulation to extract the values, they weren’t responding to the dateFormat command. So I kept the DATE_ field but used the dateFormat “long-date” which displayed a date with the corresponding day of the week but dropped the timestamp. Some of the magnitude values showed only as “4” rather than “4.0” and I wasn’t able to force the decimal value to show. The tsunami field just shows “Tsu” if a tsunami occurred, I would like to learn how to reformat that to show a yes or no value. I would also be interested to know if it is possible to not display a field in the popup window if the value is null, or perhaps to display a “0” or “none” instead of the value showing as blank.
Lesson 6
Lesson 7 Generational Demographics by U.S. County

Lesson 7 Reflection: This map of U.S. County demographics presents the % population of generation Gen X. Before the map displays, the user is prompted to enter a State abbreviation. The map then zooms to the extent of the user-selected State and displays the % population of Gen X by county using a diverging color ramp. When the user clicks on a county, a popup window displays the name of the country with the Gen X % population, as well as the quantities of other generations within the county. Refreshing the map allows the user to enter another State to view.
To calculate the population percentage, I set the primary field in the renderer to GENX_CY (Gen X population) and set TOTPOP_CY (total population) as the normalization field which accurately produced the result I needed. Using normalization to generate this value seemed more succinct than valueExpression and I’m curious to know which is the preferred method. I wanted to display the % population result in the popup window and tried searching for ways to capture the normalization result within the renderer but I wasn’t able to find a solution. Instead, I set the expressionInfo property to an Arcade expression within the popup template to recalculate the % population. Initially this did not work for me because I was trying to use a Round(), when I removed the Round() it calculated the % population accurately and I could then validate that the county data against the legend categories. This was the most difficult aspect of the assignment for me. Displaying the % population in the popup was not a requirement, but I felt it added useful information for the user, in addition to helping me test my results. Finally, I used the simplest form of query, a definitionExpression, to put the user’s State selection in a SQL statement within FeatureLayer.
This was a challenging assignment and I really enjoyed working on it. I am getting much more comfortable with the process of using the ArcGIS REST Services Directory and generating the portal ID. I did not include any error handling, if I were continuing to work on this assignment I would validate the user’s entry and redisplay the prompt() window allowing them to immediately re-enter versus refreshing the page. I would also like to figure out a way to display the other generational population data within the popup window to dynamically sort from highest population to lowest.
Lesson 7
Lesson 8 Generational Demographics by U.S. County

Lesson 8 adds multiple UI features to the map content from lesson 7.
Lesson 8

      Penn State University - GEOG863 Geospatial Web App Development - Summer 2024